V. G. Minayeva. Medicinal plants of Siberia. - Novosibirsk: Nauka. Siberian Department, 1991. — 431 p.

The book describes more than 250 species of Siberian medicinal plants. Among them there are those being widely used and those being planned for long — term study and introduction in healing practice. For every plant the Russian and Latin names, the family, the brief botanic characteristics, the place of growing and geography, the data about chemical-composition and biological activity of operating substances, ways of using the plants and medical preparats in officinal and folk medicine, peculiarities of picking, drying and keeping are presented.

The description of plants contains the latest information of Soviet and foreign scientists, and also some information from Chinese, Tibetan and Siberian medicines. Some species information presented was obtained by the author.

In the appendixes some general rules of medicinal plants picking and keeping, making the simplest preparats and using multicomponent combinations are described.

The book is illustrated and contains some directories of using plants according to various diseases, drug picking periods of the year, and also the lists of Russian and Latin names of the plants. The literature lits numbers more than 600 sources of Soviet and foreign authors.

The book is addressed to specialists working in the field of photochemistry, pharmacy and medicine and to those interested in medicinal plants and their usage.

Научное издание Минаева Валентина Гавриловна